Puget Sound Processing

Puget Sound Processing offers local producers of beef, pork, goat and lamb the ability to process their meats with USDA certification.

What is the MMPU?

The Mobile Meat Processing Unit (MMPU) of Puget Sound Processing is a tractor/trailer designed to meet USDA specifications for local producers. Once processed, we also deliver the meat to local butchers for further processing and cut and wrap services. The MMPU is self-contained and is manned with a crew of trained processing personnel, including an USDA Inspector.

Mobile Meat Processing Unit – Interior

Ethical Treatment

Handling animals for humane processing is of our utmost concern to our company and staff. We understand the care and time our local producers and farmers put into their animals and also the importance of a humane processing experience for their animals. Puget Sound Processing is certified by the Animal Welfare Association and treats animals with respect and care, each and every time.

Why PSP?

Deteriorating agricultural infrastructure and few options for USDA certified meat processing, drive the mission behind the development of a USDA Mobile Meat Processing Unit (MMPU). With only a handful of operating USDA certified facilities throughout Washington, many local, small to mid-size producers have little to no access to USDA processing and therefore, little access to local retail markets for their products.

Puget Sound Processing provides producers greater control over production schedules and costs, quality of end product, and retail price. Additionally, we provide purchasers and consumers greater control over the quality, cut, and availability of local meat. Benefits of this project include increased food safety, support for humane and sustainable livestock production, and increased local dollars circulating within the communities in which they were generated.

Working with the Pierce County Conservation District

The USDA Mobile Meat Processing Unit is a regional project created to provide and strengthen the infrastructure needed to allow producers to market local USDA meat to local consumers.

Designed to help producers access local retail markets, such as farmers markets, restaurants, and other retail outlets, this project helps increase agricultural profitability while keeping producers on their land farming. We are committed to revitalizing an age-old industry by replacing a missing piece of necessary infrastructure, energizing and reviving the remaining elements — local butcher shops and butchers — and providing a missing product, “local meat for local meals.”

Contact us today and let’s build something.

We’re taking new clients. Send us an email.


Located in Thurston County, Washington


By appointment only.

Via Email


Via Phone

Tel: 253-254-1903

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